Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Home Based Work For Stay At Home Moms

Posted on/at 1:48 PM by Wanto

By Adrienne Johnson

Finally, I have found a career where I can stay at home! Every network marketing business I have been apart of in the past has involved parties or weekly meetings all of which take me from where I want to be: HOME.

The reason I have such a desire to work from home is so I can spend more time with my wonderful family. I signed up for countless network marketing businesses only to be put off by my upline's training techniques. I knew that their must be a better way than hosting home parties and going to weekly meetings which would take me away from home.

This year I found a product that my family and I love to use. So, once again, I joined a network marketing business. But this time I really wanted to market it differently. I knew their had to be another way for me to grow my team.

The first site I found I typed in my information for a free consultation. I got a call that same day from a wonderful woman willing to teach me how to market my business for free online. I was a little skeptical but started listening to what she had to offer.

She explained to me the way her business worked. She would show me the steps to run my business online and if by chance later on I was looking for a new business to sign up for I would keep her in mind. No strings attached! She was wonderful!

Later on, I did end up signing on under one of her businesses. I never regret being apart of her team, she is a very encouraging woman. Not only that, but when she calls me she does so during my children's nap time. How nice is that?

This career was made just for me and my family. I am able to be flexible around my children's sleeping habits and have the time to play when they are awake. Now we have the income to allow my husband to retire and have a cleaning lady come in during the week. I have created my dream and am now living it.

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