Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Health Insurance -- Why Nothing Less Is Adequate

Posted on/at 5:59 AM by Wanto

By Chimezirim Odimba

What will happen to your family and your finances if you suddenly fall ill? What provision have you made to ensure your finances do not collapse due to your sudden illness? Is it not a sensible idea to protect yourself by choosing health insurance? Let me explain why health insurance is so important.

Any one can fall victim to a sudden illness or a major disease. This risk can never to completely removed. Since this risk will always exist, taking protective steps in advance is the smartest solution.

The best way to tackle this risk is to pass it on to your insurers by opting for health insurance. Health insurance offers comprehensive protection in exchange of payment of an annual premium.

Studies indicate that those who have protection of health insurance enjoy timely medical care for all their health problems.

A health insurance policy guarantees immediate medical care as the service providers are assured of their payments. Considering the high cost of health care today, not having protection of health insurance can wreak havoc on your finances if you fall seriously ill.

If you opt for health insurance, you will compulsorily save a small portion of your annual income for protection of your health. Health insurance ensures lack of funds will never affect the precious health of your family.

Apart from medical benefits, health insurance offers financial benefits as well. The premium you pay entitles you to tax deductions. Prompt health insurance payment will help you qualify for cheaper loans. Regular payment will boost your credit score thereby helping you get cheaper loans.

When compared to other alternatives, health insurance offers complete protection from initial hospitalization to post cure nursing. Safety net care offered by hospitals and clinics may seem good enough but they do not encourage people to take care of their health the way health insurance does.

Saving money in a separate bank account reserved specially for medical emergencies sounds good in theory. This option rarely works in practice. Further, the issue of savings being eroded by inflation is a serious problem.

Having taken the decision to get health cover, you should identify the best deal available. Do not focus on minimum cost alone. Ensure the policy offers adequate coverage as well.

Never decide on your health insurance policy without comparing the plans offered by different insurers. Free online multiple quotes will help you compare various deals and identify the best in no time at all.

There is no health insurance plan that is more expensive than going without one. Do the wise thing!

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