Monday, March 2, 2009

Guide on how to choose cleaning products

Posted on/at 7:14 AM by Wanto

By Alice Sy

Cleaning products are available everywhere. Different brands of cleaning products are advertised to attract loyal consumers. But what makes cleaning products different from each other? How do we determine which cleaning product to use?

Identifying which item to clean is the first step. Specific materials require different cleaning solutions. We need to clean surfaces like woods, glass, tiles, fabrics etc. with specific solutions. Using the wrong product may produce adverse effect on the surface we are cleaning. It is very important to know what item to clean and which solution to use.

Some cleaning products claim to be multi-purpose. They can be used in cleaning plastic, wooden surfaces and even glasses. However, in choosing cleaning products, it is very basic to check the effectiveness of the solution. Examine how spotless a glass cleaner can clean your mirror compared with a multi-purpose cleaner. Cleaning products for specific purpose are very effective in cleaning particular items. Thus, choose the right cleaning products for a specific surface.

To test the effectiveness of the cleaning product, make a trial application on small surface. See if it brings out the cleanliness you want to produce in your material. The cleaning product should bring out the best quality in your item. Try a small surface only the first time for damage control, just in case the product proves ineffective.

Cleaning products are used to maintain the good quality of materials we have over time. If using the cleaning product continuously tend to damage the item, then you would not wish to use the same product again. It is only by consistently using the cleaning product that you test its real effectiveness.

Personal safety should also be our concern in choosing cleaning products. Some cleaning products may contain harmful substances which can be detrimental to our health. There are solutions which can cause lung problem when inhaled or can burn your skin when spilled. We can minimize the use of such cleaning products or completely avoid whenever possible. Carefully consider the risks of using certain cleaning products.

It is also our duty to protect the environment, thus, choosing cleaning products carefully can contribute to this responsibility. Choose cleaning products which contain organic and biodegradable substances. In this way, we are helping in saving the environment.

Awareness of the cleaning products to use matters a lot. It gives us the shining effect we want to bring out. But more importantly, choose cleaning products which are effective and safe to the environment.

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