Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Combined Life Insurance -- Stuff You Ought To Grasp

Posted on/at 10:34 AM by Wanto

By Chimezirim Odimba

Combination plans are life insurance policies that combine the best features with various types of coverage. A combination plan offers a combination of benefits and terms that is part of both whole life coverage and term life insurance plans.

It is more common to see these combination life insurance plans in a corporate setting as opposed to an individual one. The employee then has some control over the structure of his or her benefits in a combination plan because it is a group plan.

If the employee wishes to provide for a loved one after his/her death, a combination life insurance plan can oblige. Some people just want to build up some money value and let it accumulate so an ideal plan is the combination policy. In many cases, the cash value is accrued on a tax-deferred basis, which may also be attractive to the employee.

It is easy to make changes within group combination plans so it isn't a problem if the insured starts the policy with one mind set and changes it along the way. Many corporate plans allow at least one period per calendar year where an employee can make changes in the structure of the benefit. Most policies permit the employee to make alterations when changes occur, such as a marriage, birth of a child, or a divorce.

Many combination policies let the policyholder make investment choices that will determine how the value of the policy will turn out. When this happens, the combination plan not only offers the comfort that comes with life insurance protection, but also gives the employee a bigger part in ensuring that the plan gives the maximum protection for the payments made.

Term life insurance or whole life insurance is a question that many ponder. It is not an easy one to answer. It matters what you would like your life insurance to do for your family.

Term insurance is exceptional when restoring an income for young growing families in the event that the wage earner dies. However, estimates reveal that less than one-percent of term policies sold ever pay their death benefit. This is because the term of coverage often expires before you die. The main benefit of term insurance is that it covers you in the event of a premature death.

If you want to make sure there is a death benefit for your family at the time of your death, whole life coverage is the answer. If you want to build an estate for your heirs, select whole life over term. If you like both plans then check into combination life insurance.

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